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Susan Pevensie: На взаимность реклама проверяется; Рекламируем форумы только под ником Advertising c паролем 1234 Картинки шире 500px ставим в тег [marquee][/marquee] За нарушение правил реклама будет удаляться. Наша реклама: Also remember: it not simply myth, is a legend, and the legend, as it is known, is based on real events. Код для форумов fastBB [quote][url=http://chroniclesnarnia.forum24.ru/?0-15][img]http://s50.radikal.ru/i127/0905/00/c231830a874b.jpg[/img][/url] [small]Also remember: it not simply myth, is a [url=http://chroniclesnarnia.forum24.ru/]legend[/url], and the legend, as it is known, is based on real events.[/small][/quote] Код для форумов MYBB [quote][url=http://chroniclesnarnia.forum24.ru/?0-15][img]http://s50.radikal.ru/i127/0905/00/c231830a874b.jpg[/img][/url] [size=8]Also remember: it not simply myth, is a legend, and the legend, as it is known, is based on real events. [/size][/quote]

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